@Florencia Suarez

March 2021

Florencia Suarez's insights

  • Embedding charts, images, and videos

    Alphacast's charts can be added in an insight by using '@chart' and '@Ncharts'. The first option is to paste one chart, the second one is to paste two charts together. To paste an interactive chart, write '@chart' and paste the URL of your selected chart like it is shown in the following gif: If you want to add a video that was uploaded in another website, you can insert it in your insight by using the embed code generated by that site. For example, this is the first Alphacast webinar, that was posted on YouTube. In order to add an image, click on the "Image" icon on the bar above and choose the file from your computer. This is, for instance, Alphacast's logo. Publishing and sharing your insights Once you are done writing your insight, you can publish it. If your repository is private, you can choose between two options: restricted (your insight is restricted to users with repository access) and anyone with the link (Even users without access to your repository will be able to read your insight. Insight will not be listed to public users.). If your repository is public, your insight can be seen by everyone. Also,...

  • Insights and Dashboards

    Intro to insights (You are here) Embedding charts, images, and videos Publishing and sharing your insights What's an insight? “Insights” are pieces of content where you can combine text, charts, tables, or images to share your ideas. It can be anything you want. You can create: Presentations Dashboards Recurrent reports Insights – like charts and datasets - are stored in your repositories and can be created and edited by you or anyone in your team. Once published, they will have a permanent URL address that can be easily shared (more sharing options will be available soon). How to create an insight To create and publish an insight, find and click the button in the upper right of the site "Create New" and select "Insight". You can also select one of your or your teams repositories and click on “New insight” located on the upper right. The window on the left is the editor. There you can write, insert charts or format your insight. In the window of the right, you can preview your insight. Follow the instructions already written to help you in the process. Delete them to start writing! Headers can be included by using #, ##, ###, Alphacast...

  • What's a repository?

    A repository is a thematic grouping of charts, insights and datasets. If you want to explore or find repositories, click on the left of bar. Exploring and watching Repositories If you want you can explore repositories of our own or that you are following. Clicking on the left bar, you can select the repository you want to explore. This ''box'' will show you all de datasets, charts and insights that the repository contains. How to create a new...

  • LAC - MONTHLY ACTIVITY INDEX: The light at the end of the road


    After the big fall caused by the COVID-19 break out in April 2020, South American economies fell sharply. Nowadays, most of them are mostly recovered and show similar pre-pandemic numbers. Although not all economies are fully recovered. Perú, which economy fell the most, recovered by leaps and bounds even though its monthly printing shows a negative variation (-1,5% MoM). On the other hand, Paraguay register accelerated the most in LATAM (+4.54%...